Radiology Database - S - p1 •
Radiographic contrast media (RCM) contributes important information to the diagnostic process. Actual contrast agents are safe drugs. Adverse reactions are rare, the incidence and severity of side effects decrease with the use of nonionic and low-osmolar contrast media. Adverse reactions are diverse, ranging from mild physiological disturbances to very rare life-threatening anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions. Users of contrast agents must be aware of the risk factors and be prepared to promptly manage adverse effects. Side effects that may occur with intravascular administration of contrast agents are also possible after administration by other paths. Increased risk to an adverse reaction includes patients with a history of a previous reaction to a contrast medium, a known sensitivity to iodine, or a known clinical hypersensitivity (bronchial asthma, hay fever, and food allergies). See also Contrast-Induced Nephropathy, Iodide-Induced Hyperthyroidism and Idiosyncratic Reactions. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
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Conversion of the analog signal to a series of digital values by measurement at a set of particular times; this utilizes the analog to digital converter. If the rate of sampling is less than twice the highest frequency in the signal, aliasing will occur. The duration of sampling determines how small a difference of frequencies can be separated.
See also Algorithm, Trigonometric Functions, Digitization, Exponential Functions, Imaginary Number, Logarithms, Point Spread Function. • •
(SFOV) The scan field of view is the area being scanned. This selectable scan factor is measured from a CT system isocenter to the most distant located edge of the patient. See also Reconstruction Field Of View. |