Radiology Database - B - p6 •
Binding energy is equal to the amount of energy which is used to free electrons or disintegrate nuclides from their atomic bond. The electron binding energy of a hydrogen atom is with 13.6 eV very low. The nuclear binding energy of an alpha-particle, energy equivalent of the sum of the individual masses of nuclides minus the mass of the whole nucleus, is 28.3 MeV. See also Alpha Decay, Beta Decay and Gamma Quantum. Further Reading: Basics:
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The bioaccumulation factor is the ratio of the concentration of a radionuclide in a biological organism or tissue to the concentration in water or soil.
A bioassay is a medical test to measure, and quantify radionuclides in the body by direct (in vivo) or indirect (in vitro) analysis of tissues or excretions from the body. See also Radioimmunoassay. •
The term biochemical refers to the study of chemical processes in living organisms.
Biodosimetry refers to the measurement of biological reaction as a surrogate for radiation dose.