'Radiation Absorbed Dose' p2 Searchterm 'Radiation Absorbed Dose' found in 1 term [ • ] and 2 definitions [• ], (+ 6 Boolean[• ] resultsResult Pages : •
(rem) The rem is the dose equivalent of the absorbed dose considering the biological efficiency of the radiation, also called quality factor. With a quality factor of 1 is 1 rem equal to 1.07185 roentgens. One millirem is one thousandth of one rem. In the SI system of units the rem is replaced by the sievert (Sv), which is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in gray modified by a radiation weighting factor. The conversion factor has been readjusted from 1 to 1.07185 so that 100 rem are equal to 1 Sv. •
Air KERMA (Kinetic Energy Released per unit MAss of air) measures the amount of radiation energy in air, unit is J/kg. This include the initial kinetic energy of the primary ionizing particles such as photoelectrons, Compton electrons, positron//negatron pairs from photon radiation, and scattered nuclei from fast neutrons, when for example air is irradiated by an x-ray beam. J/kg (gray) is also the unit of the radiation quantity 'Absorbed Dose'.
An intensifying screen is used to intensify the x-ray effect during radiation exposure of the x-ray film. Approximately 5% of the x-ray photons will be absorbed by the film only. Intensifying screens consist of
a sheet of inorganic salts that emits fluorescent light when stroked by x-rays. The fluorescent input and output screens of the image intensifier are very similar to intensifying screens. Calcium tungstate and rare earths are two common salts (also called phosphors) used for intensifying screens. For example, a calcium tungstate (CaWo4) screen can absorb around 40% of the x-ray photons and convert the radiation into light photons. A basic feature of this screen types is related to the position of the k-edge on the energy axis. Tungsten (W) is a heavy element has a k-edge at 69.5 keV, while that for rare earth elements is in around 50 keV. The fraction of x-rays absorbed by a screen is depending on the speed. Factors affecting the speed of a screen:
the phosphor type;
the x-ray radiation absorption efficiency;
the radiation to light intrinsic conversion efficiency;
the thickness of the screen.
See also Actinides, Cinefluorography and Added Filtration. •
In radiology dose is the term for radiation related to the amount of energy absorbed in matter (for example absorbed dose, acute dose, effective dose, external dose, personal dose and committed dose equivalent). The SI standard unit of radiation dose is the gray. Dose refers also to the amount of medication, radiopharmaceutical or contrast medium used in diagnostic imaging. See also Deep Dose Equivalent, Critical Organ, Eye Dose Equivalent, Collective Effective Dose, Medical Internal Radiation Dose Committee, and Chronic Dose. Further Reading: News & More:
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