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X-rays are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays and gamma rays are differentiated on the origin of the radiation, not on the wavelength, frequency, or the energy. X-rays are emitted by electrons outside the nucleus, while gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus. X-rays have wavelengths in the range of about 1 nanometer (nm) to 10 picometer (pm), frequencies in the range of 10-16 to 10-20 Hertz (Hz) and photon energies between 0.12 and 120 kilo electron Volt (keV). The energy of rays increase with decreased wavelengths. X-rays with energies between 10 keV and a few hundred keV are considered hard X-rays. The cutoff between soft or hard X-rays is around a wavelength of 100 pm.
Because of their short wavelength, X-rays interact little with matter and pass through a wide range of materials. These interactions occur as absorption or scattering;; primary are the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering and, for ultrahigh photon energies of above 1.022 mega electron Volt (MeV), pair production.
X-rays are produced when high energy electrons struck a metal target. The kinetic energy of the electrons is transformed into electromagnetic energy when the electrons are abruptly decelerated (also called bremsstrahlung radiation, or braking radiation) similar to the deceleration of the circulating electron beam in a synchrotron particle accelerator. Another type of rays is produced by the inner, more tightly bound electrons in atoms;; frequently occurring in decay of radionuclides (characteristic radiation, gamma ray, beta ray). The energy of an X-ray is equivalent to the difference in energy of the initial and final atomic state minus the binding energy of the electron.
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered this type of rays (also called Roentgen-rays) in 1895 and realized that X-rays penetrate soft tissue but are absorbed by bones, which provides the possibility to image anatomic structures; the first type of diagnostic imaging was established. Radiographic images are based on this difference in attenuation for tissue and organs of different density. Today ionizing radiation is widely used in medicine in the field of radiology.

See also Exposure Factors, X-Ray Tube, and X-Ray Spectrum.
X-Ray Spectrum
The x-ray (or roentgen-ray) spectrum consists of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet (UV) and longer than gamma rays. The usual photon energies of x-rays range from 100 electron volt (eV) to 100 keV (wavelengths of around 10 to 0.01 nanometers; or around 100 to 0.1 Angstroms); corresponding to frequencies in the range of 30 PHz to 30 EHz (see Hertz).
The energy distribution (wavelength, frequency) of x-ray photons emerges from the source, the x-ray tube. In a conventional tube, x-rays are generated in two different ways that, together, form a typical spectrum consisting of the bremsstrahlung, which is superimposed by the lines of the characteristic spectrum (in a graph, the curve is shaped like a hump topped by several spikes).

See also Angstrom, Direct Radiation, Secondary Radiation, and Radiation Meter.
The x-ray absorption is the uptake of energy or the decrease of the number of photons by the tissue or matter through which the radiation travels.
Absorption in nuclear reactions and particulate radiation is a process of taking up kinetic energy of particles or the combination of particles with an atom, a nucleus, or another particle.
Absorption characteristics of imaged tissues are represented by their linear attenuation coefficients.

See also Absorber.
An accelerator uses electrostatic or electromagnetic fields to increase the kinetic energy of charged particles (see alpha particle, beta particle) in order to produce ionization or a nuclear reaction in a target.
Accelerators (see cyclotron, linear accelerator) are used for the production of radionuclides (see Fluorine-18, Molybdenum, Technetium-99m) or directly for radiation therapy. Accelerator-produced radioactive material (ARM) is any radioactive substance that is produced by a particle accelerator. The accelerators used for radiation therapy generate gamma rays (also called Bremsstrahlung) with continuous energy by collision of high energy electrons on materials with high density (also referred as 'high z' - chemical elements with a high atomic number (Z)).
Electron accelerators with energies above 10 MeV can also produce neutrons induced by photons in the accelerator head material (mainly caused by photo nuclear reaction).
Activation is the production of radionuclides (instable atoms) by bombarding atomic nuclei (stable atoms) with radiation (e.g., photons, neutrons, alpha particles).
With the activation of an atom its decay starts.

See Neutron Activation, Neutron Activation Analysis.
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