'Photoelectron' Searchterm 'Photoelectron' found in 1 term [ • ] and 3 definitions [• ]Result Pages : • Photoelectron •
Air KERMA (Kinetic Energy Released per unit MAss of air) measures the amount of radiation energy in air, unit is J/kg. This include the initial kinetic energy of the primary ionizing particles such as photoelectrons, Compton electrons, positron//negatron pairs from photon radiation, and scattered nuclei from fast neutrons, when for example air is irradiated by an x-ray beam. J/kg (gray) is also the unit of the radiation quantity 'Absorbed Dose'.
Auger, Pierre Victor described for the first time the process of the internal transformation of x-rays in photoelectrons. See also Auger Effect and Auger Electron. •
The photoelectric effect describes the following interaction of electromagnetic radiation with a metallic surface: a photon with an energy (frequency) above the binding energy of an electron gets absorbed and the electron is emitted. The positive energy difference is transferred to the electrons kinetic energy. If the photons energy is not high enough for the electron to overcome its binding forces, the photon will be re-emitted. It is not the intensity of a photon beam (amount of photons) which allows the photoelectric effect; it is the energy (frequency) of a single photon which will allow the emission of a single photoelectron.
The discovery and study of the photoelectric effect leads to a new quantized understanding in physics. Albert Einstein was awarded the Noble prize for physics in 1921 'for his services to theoretical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect'. The photoelectric effect is the most important effect in medical radiography. E.g. it is photoelectric absorption that is responsible for most of the absorption in a mammogram which creates the contrast in the image. See also Photon, Electron. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
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