'Geiger-Mueller Counter' Searchterm 'Geiger-Mueller Counter' found in 1 term [ • ] and 1 definition [• ]Result Pages : • Geiger-Mueller Counter
(GM counter or GM tube) The Geiger-Mueller counter is a radiation measuring instrument. A Geiger-Mueller detector consists of a gas-filled tube that discharges electrically when ionizing radiation passes through it. A counter records the events.
A radiation meter is used to measure radioactivity. Beta emitting isotopes, such as C-14, P-32, P-33, and S-35, are best detected with a Geiger-Mueller counter (GM). Gamma emitting isotopes, such as I-125, I-123, I-131, and Tc-99m are easily detected with a gamma meter equipped with a sodium iodide (NaI) probe. An isotope that cannot be detected with most survey meters, unless present in large activities, is tritium (H-3). Tritium emits beta particles with energies insufficient to enter the sensitive volume of most detectors. Result Pages : |