'Energy' p14 Searchterm 'Energy' found in 8 terms [ • ] and 71 definitions [• ]Result Pages : •
Photo Peak is short for photoelectric absorption peak, the maximum energy measured in a gamma ray absorption spectrum.
• Planck is a MKS unit of energy (expended over time to angular momentum, etc.). One Planck unit is equal to 1 joule second (J x s) or about 0.7375 foot pound second (ft x lb x s). Atomic nuclei possess an intrinsic angular momentum referred to as spin, measured in multiples of Planck's constant. The unit is named for the German physicist Max Planck.
A positron is a positively charged, with a resting energy of at least 511 keV, subatomic particle. A positron is the antiparticle of an electron, identical in mass and spin. Positrons can be generated by positron decay or pair production. Positron emission tomography detects positrons from the decay of radioactive tracers. See also Beta Decay. •
Radioactive decay is the change of instable atoms to a more stable state. This change to a different nuclide by the spontaneous emission of radiation such as alpha or beta particles, gamma rays, or by electron capture follows an element-specific decay chain. Each step in the decay chain has a definite half-life. Sometimes also the reduction of excitation energy of the nucleus by e.g. internal conversion is mentioned as radioactive decay. See also Decay Chain, Radioisotope. •
Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr developed in the early 20th century a solar system like model of the atoms, in which electrons orbit around the nucleus (protons and neutrons) held by electromagnetic forces (protons - electrons).
The nucleus is held together by a very strong but short distance nuclear force, attracting all nucleons. While the protons positive charges try pushing it apart, is it the balance between protons and neutrons which decide over an elements stability. In their model the energy of orbiting electrons is quantized into fixed values. Electrons in outer orbits are more loosely bound than the ones at inner orbits and affect an atom's chemical properties. Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg developed probability functions which assigns the electrons to cloud like spaces instead of fixed orbits. Result Pages : |