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Searchterm 'Emitting' found in 1 term [
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Emitting is for example the release of particles (electrons, etc.) or rays (x-rays, etc.) as a consequence of e.g. a nuclear (decay, fission, or fusion) process.

See also Decay and Beta Radiation.
Radiation Meter
A radiation meter is used to measure radioactivity.
Beta emitting isotopes, such as C-14, P-32, P-33, and S-35, are best detected with a Geiger-Mueller counter (GM).
Gamma emitting isotopes, such as I-125, I-123, I-131, and Tc-99m are easily detected with a gamma meter equipped with a sodium iodide (NaI) probe.
An isotope that cannot be detected with most survey meters, unless present in large activities, is tritium (H-3). Tritium emits beta particles with energies insufficient to enter the sensitive volume of most detectors.
Beta Radiation
Beta radiation consists of high energetic electrons or positrons emitted spontaneously from nuclei in decay of some radionuclides. Also called beta particle and sometimes shortened to beta (e.g., beta-emitting radionuclides). Beta radiation is used for example in cancer treatment.
The average reach of beta radiation in tissue is 3.5 mm.

See also Beta Decay.
Cerebral Metabolic Imaging
Cerebral metabolic imaging can be accomplished with positron emission computer tomography (PET), magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and functional magnetic resonance imaging.
PET uses positron-emitting radioisotopes of elements with short half-live such as fluorine-18, oxygen-15, nitrogen-13, and carbon-11 as tracers to image and to measure the cerebral metabolism.
In cyclotrons charged particles are circular accelerated to bombard atoms. Short-lived positron-emitting isotopes are produced for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging (e.g. F-18).

See also Linear Accelerator, Metastable Condition, Meson, Fluorodeoxyglucose, Electric Polarization.
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