'Electron Excitation' Searchterm 'Electron Excitation' found in 1 term [ • ] and 2 definitions [• ], (+ 1 Boolean[• ] resultsResult Pages : • Electron Excitation
Electron excitation is the discrete energy storage in an orbital electron. The excitation energy results from the absorption of a photon (photoexcitation) or from the absorption of another electron (electrical excitation). The absorbed energy lifts the electron to a higher energy level. This process ends with electron relaxation.
See also Electron Relaxation. •
A lower orbited electron leaves the atom - the reoccupation of this vacancy by a higher orbited electron leads to the emission of energy which in turn leads to the emission of a second electron, the Auger electron. See also Auger Electron, Electron Excitation, Megaelectron Volt and Auger Pierre Victor. • •
Radioactive decay is the change of instable atoms to a more stable state. This change to a different nuclide by the spontaneous emission of radiation such as alpha or beta particles, gamma rays, or by electron capture follows an element-specific decay chain. Each step in the decay chain has a definite half-life. Sometimes also the reduction of excitation energy of the nucleus by e.g. internal conversion is mentioned as radioactive decay. See also Decay Chain, Radioisotope. Result Pages : |