'Direct Radiation' p2 Searchterm 'Direct Radiation' found in 1 term [ • ] and 1 definition [• ], (+ 18 Boolean[• ] resultsResult Pages : •
A photon is a discrete packet of electromagnetic energy. The amount of energy depends on the frequency (wavelength) of the photon. Highest frequency, most energetic photon radiations are gamma rays, up to 300 EHz - 1.24 MeV. In addition to energy, photons are also carrying momentum. Photons have no electrical charge or rest mass and exhibit both particle and wave behavior. Photons are traveling in vacuum (without interactions with matter) with the constant velocity of 2.9979 x 108 m/s (c, speed of light). Photons get absorbed or scattered away from their original direction of travel when interacting with matter. High energy photons as for example x-rays cause damages to exposed tissue and cells. Radiation exposure is measured in roentgen, radiation absorption in Roentgen//min. Photon radiation in the frequency ranges of x-rays and gamma rays are used for medical diagnostic and treatment. See also Photon Energy and Gamma Ray. • View NEWS results for 'Photon' (1). Further Reading: Basics:
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A stream of electromagnetic or particulate radiation that could be collimated and is generally unidirectional or divergent usually from a small source and restricted to a small-solid angle. See also Ion Beam, Broad Beam, Useful Beam and Beam On Time. Further Reading: News & More:
An accelerator uses electrostatic or electromagnetic fields to increase the kinetic energy of charged particles (see alpha particle, beta particle) in order to produce ionization or a nuclear reaction in a target. Accelerators (see cyclotron, linear accelerator) are used for the production of radionuclides (see Fluorine-18, Molybdenum, Technetium-99m) or directly for radiation therapy. Accelerator-produced radioactive material (ARM) is any radioactive substance that is produced by a particle accelerator. The accelerators used for radiation therapy generate gamma rays (also called Bremsstrahlung) with continuous energy by collision of high energy electrons on materials with high density (also referred as 'high z' - chemical elements with a high atomic number (Z)). Electron accelerators with energies above 10 MeV can also produce neutrons induced by photons in the accelerator head material (mainly caused by photo nuclear reaction). •
An x-ray film is a photographic film used to generate a visual x-ray image. X-ray films are rarely used as the only radiation detector. Commonly they are used in conjunction with intensifying screens placed in the film cassette, because high resolution films have a poor sensitivity to x-rays. At direct film exposure, only a small amount of x-ray photons will be absorbed and react with the film emulsion. An intensifying screen contains scintillating materials to convert x-ray radiation into light or lows electromagnetic energies. X-ray films provide very good spatial resolution and contrast, but need long exposures times and chemical processing. See also Conventional Radiography and Digital Radiography. • Autoradiography is a method that uses incorporated radioactive material as the source of the radiation. The image on an x-ray film or nuclear emulsion is recorded by direct contact of the object with photo emulsion. Photographic emulsions have a very high efficiency for beta radiation.
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