'Collective Dose' Searchterm 'Collective Dose' found in 1 term [ • ] and 1 definition [• ], (+ 1 Boolean[• ] resultsResult Pages : • Collective Dose
The collective dose is the sum of individual doses. Collective doses are received in a given period of time by a specific population and a specific radiation exposure.
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Radiation safety concerns the safe use of ionizing radiation. The radiation exposure has to be controlled to protect people and the environment from unnecessary exposure and the damaging effect to the health. Legal regulations require that radiation exposure (individual radiation exposure as well as collective dose) must be kept as low as reasonably achievable. The electromagnetic spectrum includes x-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, and radio waves. Additionally, there are several types of particulate radiation e.g., alpha and beta particles. All types of radiation are used in a wide range of medicine, industry, research and communication. Radiation risks can occur due to either long-term low level exposure or short-term high level exposure. A well-functioning dosimetry program is essential for a safe use and for compliance with federal and state regulations. Three basic rules have to be observed for a safe use of ionizing radiation.
Keep a radiation source at high distance. A doubled distance reduces the exposure by a factor of four.
Minimize the time near a source of radiation.
Optimize radiation shielding to absorb radiation. The greater the shielding around a radiation source, the smaller the exposure.
See also Inverse Square Law, Administrative Dose Guidelines and Annual Dose Limit. ![]() Further Reading: News & More:
The collective effective dose is the product of the mean effective dose for a population and the number of individuals; or the sum of all individual effective doses in the population of concern.
In radiology dose is the term for radiation related to the amount of energy absorbed in matter (for example absorbed dose, acute dose, effective dose, external dose, personal dose and committed dose equivalent). The SI standard unit of radiation dose is the gray. Dose refers also to the amount of medication, radiopharmaceutical or contrast medium used in diagnostic imaging. See also Deep Dose Equivalent, Critical Organ, Eye Dose Equivalent, Collective Effective Dose, Medical Internal Radiation Dose Committee, and Chronic Dose. ![]() Further Reading: News & More:
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