'Cation' p17 Searchterm 'Cation' found in 5 terms [ • ] and 97 definitions [• ]Result Pages : •
Image resolution is a measurement of the scanned, printed, or displayed image quality. Picture resolution on a printed photo or page is measured in dots per inch (DPI). For digital files, image resolution is expressed in pixels per inch (PPI). The quality of pixel-based images is directly determined by resolution choices. Higher image resolution results in more detailed images but requires more storage space in a picture archiving and communication system. The resolution for x-ray images can be defined as the period length of the finest grid that can be viewed without difficulty. •
An infusion is the introduction of a medication, or fluid, directly into a vein by means of gravity flow.
(IAEA) The IAEA is an independent international organization related to the United Nations system today, founded in 1957 ('Atoms for Peace' Agency) as part of the United Nations family. Its mission is to promote and supervise worldwide safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. The IAEA's three main areas of work are 'Safety and Security', 'Science and Technology', and 'Safeguards and Verification'.
Contact Information
International Atomic Energy Agency
P.O. Box 100 Wagramer Strasse 5 A-1400 Vienna Austria
(+431) 2600-0
(+431) 2600-7
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An ion is an atomic particle that is electrically charged, either negatively or positively by loss or addition of one or more electrons.
The simplest ions are for example hydrogen ions (a proton, H+), or an alpha particle (helium ion, He2+). Positively-charged ions have fewer electrons than protons. They are cations due to the attraction to cathodes. Negatively charged ions have more electrons in the electron shells than they have protons in the core. Due to their attraction to anodes they are named anions. •
A lateral view is a 90° degree view performed medial to lateral or lateral to medial. In mammography, lateral views are used for triangulation with
the craniocaudal view of the breast and to demonstrate microcalcifications dependent on gravity.
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