'Beta Radiation' Searchterm 'Beta Radiation' found in 1 term [ • ] and 4 definitions [• ], (+ 11 Boolean[• ] resultsResult Pages : • Beta Radiation
Beta radiation consists of high energetic electrons or positrons emitted spontaneously from nuclei in decay of some radionuclides. Also called beta particle and sometimes shortened to beta (e.g., beta-emitting radionuclides). Beta radiation is used for example in cancer treatment. The average reach of beta radiation in tissue is 3.5 mm. See also Beta Decay. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
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• Autoradiography is a method that uses incorporated radioactive material as the source of the radiation. The image on an x-ray film or nuclear emulsion is recorded by direct contact of the object with photo emulsion. Photographic emulsions have a very high efficiency for beta radiation.
(Radioactive Seed Implantation Therapy) Brachytherapy is a type of radiation therapy in which a sealed source (encapsulated radionuclide) is placed inside the patient as close as possible to the area being treated. The brachytherapy source delivers usually gamma or beta radiation at a distance up to a few centimeters either by surface, intracavitary or interstitial application. See also Low Dose Rate, Cryotherapy, RF Thermal Ablation and Prostate Ultrasound. ![]() Further Reading: Basics:
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Generation of electrons, artificially or by radioactive decay.
See also Pair Production, Beta Radiation. Result Pages : |