'Autoradiography' Searchterm 'Autoradiography' found in 1 term [ • ] and 3 definitions [• ]Result Pages : • Autoradiography
Autoradiography is a method that uses incorporated radioactive material as the source of the radiation. The image on an x-ray film or nuclear emulsion is recorded by direct contact of the object with photo emulsion. Photographic emulsions have a very high efficiency for beta radiation.
• The dipping method is a contact autoradiography of tissue using emulsion coated coverslips or x-ray films.
Radiography is a synonym for the examination of the structure of materials by nondestructive methods, for example with radiation. Radiography is used for both medical and industrial applications. Autoradiography describes the imaging of an object using radiations produced by the radioactive decay of nuclides in the object. Sometimes, imaging modalities without use of radiation such as MRI and ultrasound are grouped in radiography due to the fact that the radiology staff handles different forms of medical imaging. Treatment using radiation is known as radiotherapy. See also Diagnostic Imaging and Conventional Radiography. Further Reading: Basics:
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