'Assay' p2 Searchterm 'Assay' found in 8 terms [ • ] and 4 definitions [• ]Result Pages : • A protein connection assay is an analytic method to measure corticosteroids, cortisone, progesterone, testosterone and thyroxine.
• (FIA) A fluorescent immunoassay (also called fluoroimmunoassay) is an analytic assay method based on a fluorescent-labeled antigen or antibody. Fluorescent measurements are usually more sensitive than spectrophotometric measurements. Therefore, FIA methods have greater analytical sensitivity than enzyme immunoassay techniques. • (ELISA) An enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay, also called ELISA, or enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is a diagnostic tool to measure the concentration of a particular molecule. See also Radioimmunoassay. •
Salomon Berson developed in 1959 (published in 1960) together with Rosalyn S. Yalow the radioimmunoassays. See Radioimmunoassay. • (CPBA) The competitive protein
binding analysis is a radioimmunoassay utilizing radioactive isotope labeled antigens, which compete with unlabeled antigens for chemical bond with specific antibodies. Binding proteins occur naturally and have affinity for other substances.
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