'Air Kerma' Searchterm 'Air Kerma' found in 1 term [ • ] and 3 definitions [• ]Result Pages : • Air Kerma
Air KERMA (Kinetic Energy Released per unit MAss of air) measures the amount of radiation energy in air, unit is J/kg. This include the initial kinetic energy of the primary ionizing particles such as photoelectrons, Compton electrons, positron//negatron pairs from photon radiation, and scattered nuclei from fast neutrons, when for example air is irradiated by an x-ray beam. J/kg (gray) is also the unit of the radiation quantity 'Absorbed Dose'.
The administrative dose guidelines are the predetermined value of radiation dose to workers, below the dose limit (administrative level),
which triggers a specific course of action when the dose value is exceeded, or is expected to be exceeded.
See also Medical Internal Radiation Dose Committee, Food and Drug Administration, Material Safety Data Sheet, Annual Dose Limit, Air Kerma, Supervised Area and Drug Development and Approval Process USA. •
Compton scattering is the deflection of gamma- and x-ray photons by electrons. See also Compton Continuum, Compton Effect, Air Kerma, Filter Grid, Focused Grid, Grid Efficiency, and Compton Arthur Holly. Further Reading: News & More:
The x-ray tube housing is a cover for x-ray tubes to prevent leakage radiation to exceed specified limits. X-ray tube housings can be open or sealed. The maximum permitted radiation measured at a distance of 1 m from the source is 0.876 mGy air kerma (100 mR exposure) in 1 h when the x-ray tube is operated at its maximum continuous rated current for the maximum rated tube potential. Result Pages : |